Office: 780-453-3326



#100, 18215 – 114 Ave, Edmonton AB T5S 2P6


R3 Concrete Services (CS) has rapidly emerged as one of Western Canada’s leading companies in the field of concrete cutting, coring, and scanning. As a vital component of the R3 suite of companies, which also encompasses R3 Demolition, Abatement, and Hazardous Testing, R3 CS brings unparalleled expertise and precision to its services.

Our Services

R3 Deconstruction launched in 2009/2010 with the sole purpose to raise the bar on service, safety and sustainability in the demolition sector.

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About Us

Like all of our divisions, our Concrete Cutting, Coring, and Scanning follows our same guiding principle; Relationships Results Reputation. We are in the business of doing what we say, when we say it. With over 40 years experience in concrete cutting & coring we understand that execution and standing behind our bid is paramount to a solid reputation. Our full-service support consists of project managers, project coordinators, safety officer, human resource manager, and estimators, all committed to fast accurate quoting and execution on all our projects regardless of the size.

At the end of the day, we all have the same equipment, base your decision upon customer service and getting things done on time, every time with R3 Concrete Cutting & Coring.


Electric Cutting

With fumeless equipment designed for odour-free work, we have a variety of electric saws to tackle challenging jobs from hard-to-reach areas and indoor cutting. When you need a company experienced at running electric slab saws, choose us.

Wall Sawing

The wall saw is a track mounted system which allows us to cut horizontally, vertically or on any angle accurately. A wall saw is ideal to cut openings for doors, windows, HVAC or even a floor slab opening where a slab saw cannot get into. Wall sawing also allows for flush cutting to adjacent structures or objects.

Large Diameter Core Drilling

Concrete core drilling is a process that uses a diamond cutting end, known as a core drill, to create smooth and perfectly round holes in concrete. It’s the go-to method for creating openings for plumbing, HVAC, electrical systems, and more!

We are devoted to the three pillars on which we are built

Relationships. Results. Reputation.

We exercise innovation in our process, allocate the right resources and trained expertise to achieve best outcome on every project we touch.

For further inquiries call

We look forward to working with you.

Scanning & Coring

Prevent Damage with Our Innovative  Division

Our CORE/SCAN Division offers the best choice in damage prevention including concrete scanning, GPR (ground penetrating radar) and private utility locating. The combination of technology, experience, training, service, and reliability marks us as leaders in the industry.

Using state-of-the-art mapping techniques and equipment, our Damage Prevention Technicians can provide detailed information on concrete structures, sub-surface anomalies, and potential hazards such as embedded or buried conduits, post tension cables, structural components, utilities, underground storage tanks, and much more.

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We are HIRING!

Appreciated by our customers!

R3 is proud to announce our new concrete cutting, coring and scanning division.

Contact Numbers

Office: 780-453-3326

Email address

Our location

#100, 18215 – 114 Ave., Edmonton AB T5S 2P6

Get in touch with us!!

At R3 CS Deconstruction, we value direct communication and are always ready to assist you. Whether you prefer the personal touch of a phone call or the convenience of our online submission form, we’re here to make the process smooth for you. Feel free to reach out to us anytime – our goal is same day response to your questions and your needs are met with the utmost attention and expertise. Your satisfaction is our priority.